If you are from California, Hawaii or Alaska please know that we at Wilson Bros Gardens would love nothing more than to be able to ship our plants to you...and are very sad and frustrated that we cannot! As with so many other plant growers in the South, due to our growing locations in Georgia and elsewhere in the South, the Departments of Agriculture in these states will not allow our plants to enter their states.

Here's why...

California is a major grower and exporter of agricultural products, and in fact is the largest producer of fruits, vegetables, wine and nuts in the U.S.. Same goes for Hawaii. Therefore, the California Department of Agriculture is extremely cautious about the import of live plants, which they fear could contain specific soil-borne insects that might damage agricultural crops in the state. 

Wilson Bros Gardens is a licensed Nursery. All of the soil our plants are grown in have been treated per USDA regulations so they are free of these pests, and we ship to other Western States that have approved our treated soils, but California remains firm on this issue and only approves certain soils.

We are diligently working on this issue with our department of Agriculture and hope to be able to resume shipping our plants to the State of California in the not-too-distant future.

Regarding Other States

Some types of plants are considered to be invasive species in some states while not in others. Therefore, you might notice that a few of our plants do not ship to your state. For example, in the state of Washington, a certain variety of Iris might be considered an invasive species, and therefore a threat to the environment and other plants within it. So, while we can ship this Iris to most other states we are prohibited from shipping to just the state of Washington. 

We are diligently seeking ways to make this happen and hopefully will be able to do so in the not-too-distant future.

Enjoy your day and let us know if you need more details or have any other questions.