Posted by Brent Wilson on 3/25/2019 to
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Finding just the right plants or advice you're looking for on is easy once you know how.
Here's some helpful searching and navigating tips that'll have you finding just what you're looking for...
Searching Wilson Bros Gardens
*Scroll further down this page for Navigation tips
Searching Wilson Bros Gardens for plants or helpful advice is very easy once you know where to do it.
At the top of every page in Wilson Bros Gardens you will see two search boxes. One can be used to search for Plants (highlighted in yellow in the image below) and the other to search for helpful expert Advice (highlighted in orange below).

Tips For Searching PLANTS
To search for a type or variety of plant, type a word related to that plant in the search box. For example, if you would like to see all of the azaleas we have to offer, simply type the word "azalea" in the search box (without the quotes). If you know the specific Azalea variety you're looking for, such as Autumn Embers Encore Azalea, you could just type "embers' in the search box. You can also use the Plant search to search for plants by color and many other attributes including shrub, tree, perennial, herb, grass, deer resistant, drought tolerant, fast growing, and so on.
Tips for Searching ADVICE
Use this search box to find helpful planting, care and other helpful advice provided by our experts. For example, if you want to know how to plant an azalea simply type the word "azalea" or the phrase "how to plant an azalea" in the search box. If you want to find instructions for how to prune a crape myrtle tree simply type the words "crape myrtle" or "how to prune a crape myrtle" in the search box. If you want to find your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone, you can type the word "USDA" or "Zones" in the search. If you want to find a calculator that will help you to determine how many plants it will take to fill a space in your landscape or garden simply type the word "calculator" or "space" or "how many plants" or "how many plants to fill a space" in the search box.
Navigating Wilson Bros Gardens
Navigating is different than searching in that it is done primarily to find plants, and you won't be using a search box. Instead, you'll be using our "site map," which basically means you'll be searching for plants by category.
Rather than go into the details about how our categories are arranged, we'll provide a couple examples for how one might navigate our categories to find the type of plant they are looking for.
For example, maybe you live in USDA Zone 6 and are looking for a variety of Camellia that is cold hardy in that zone. Don't know what a USDA Zone is or what Zone you're in? Find youy USDA Zone here >
Here's what you would do to find a list of all the Camellias that will grow in USDA Zone 6...
1) First you would click on the Plants & Trees tab (highlighted in yellow in the image below) found in the navigation bar near the top of any page in
2) After having clicked on the Plants & Trees tab, on the page that appears click on the Shrub category. Once on the Shrub category page scroll down until you see the sub category called Camellias. Click on it and this will take you to the Camellia Homepage where then you will see subcategories for camellias including Camellias for Zone 6. Click on this category and you'll see all of the camellias we offer that are cold hardy in Zone 6!
You can use this process to find many types of Shrubs, such as Shrubs for Sun, Shrubs for Shade, Flowering Shrubs and so on.
Hope these navigation tips were helpful. If you think of a way we can improve this article don't hesitate to contact us with your ideas. We're all ears!
Plant Long & Prosper!
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